Dave Cooper's Ride
This will be a ride through the front range mountains up past Evergreen and Bergen Park. We will end up at El Dorado Mexican Restaurant in Golden for a late lunch. Will need R.S.V.P’s the week of the ride so we can make reservations.
Here are links to the route. Unfortunately, there are 2 links due to Google Maps issues.
Part 1: https://goo.gl/maps/GpMWYH681bAB9STU7
Part 2: https://goo.gl/maps/yddxW6aRyEEt5d7B8
NOTE: Do not try to open these links on your phones; use a computer. Don't ask us why, however, they don't seem to render correctly on phones.
Any questions please contact Dave Cooper at 303-917-2114 or coop2362@gmail.com

Event Details
May 28, 2022
9:30 Meetup, kickstands up about 9:45.
Approximately 100 miles or so.
Ride Coordinator
Meeting Location
Loaf-N-Jug, SW corner of I-25 and FoundersPkwy/Meadows Pkwy (Exit 184) in Castle Rock.